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How Does A Manatee . . . .?

Talk With A Manatee Trainer!

Mind Bogglers

Word Seek

Manatee Mind Bogglers

See how many mind bogglers you can solve.

  1. If manatees eat for five hours everyday, then how many hours do they eat every week? Every month? Every year?
  2. The average adult manatee is 10 feet long. How much longer is the manatee's body than your body?
  3. The average adult manatee weighs 1,200 pounds. How much do you weigh? How much more does an adult manatee weigh than you weigh?
  4. The current manatee population is about 2,000 individuals. If half of these manatees are females, then how many female manatees are there?
  5. Use your answer from number 4 to help answer this mind boggler. If female manatees only give birth to one calf every five years, then how many baby manatees would there be in five years? In ten years?
  6. If a boat propeller digs up a patch of seagrass, it takes 10 years for the patch of seagrass to grow back. If a boater ran into a seagrass bed in 1987, then when will the seagrass bed grow back?
  7. If you have a pet manatee and it eats 70 pounds of vegetation each day, then how many pounds of vegetation will you need to buy so that you have enough food to feed it for six days?
  8. It costs $0.75 per pound of vegetation. How much will it cost to feed your manatee for six days?
  9. You are out taking aerial photos of manatees. When you get back to the laboratory, you develop your pictures and analyze them. You count 12 manatees in one area, 19 manatees in another area, and 15 manatees in the third area where you took pictures. How many manatees did you take pictures of today?

Hugh & Buffett's Home Page Hugh & Buffett's vital statistics. What we're learning from Hugh and Buffett What Hugh and Buffett have learned!
See Hugh & Buffett with their different toys! Hugh and Buffett need your help! Fun and games just for kidz! Home page of Mote Marine Laboratory