Kirby Wolfe

Senior Biologist

Kirby with a Snook

E-mail Kirby

Kirby attended Beloit College in Wisconsin where he graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Biology in 1994. Kirby continued his education at Loyola University in Chicago, where he recieved his Masters of Science in Biology in 2002. He is the newest addition to the Mote FHE family, just hired this December.


My interests are in how fish and other aquatic organisms interact within their ecosystems and how changes in that ecosystem can impact those organisms. I am fascinated by what impacts the changes in the flow patterns in restored mosquito ditches will have on the fish that use these habitats.


Wolfe, R.K. and J.E. Marsden. 1998. Tagging methods for the round goby. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 13(3):731-735.

Charlebois, P., J.E. Marsden, R.G. Goettel, R.K. Wolfe, D. Jude, S. Rudnicka. 1997. The Round Goby (Neogobius melanostomus), a review of European and North American Literature. Illinois- Indiana Sea Grant Program and IL Natural History Survey. INHS Special Publication No. 20. 76pp.

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Last Updated on: February 19, 2004

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