Some Fish Species We Work With

Southern Puffer
Spotted Sea Trout
Southern Puffer - Sphroeroides nephelus
Spotted Seatrout - Cynoscion nebulosus

Other Common Names: Speckled Trout, Spotted Weakfish, Spotted Squeteague. Important in shore sport and commercial fish. Spawns in bays and young are found in or near grass flats. Adults are found in deeper waters and over oyster reefs.
Gag Grouper
Mangrove Snapper
Gag Grouper - Mycteroperca microlepis

Fairly common on offshore banks and often confused with the
Black Grouper.
Gray Snapper - Lutjanus griseus

Other Common Names: Black Snapper and Mangrove Snapper. Most common inshore snapper. Young and adults regularly occur in saltier bays.
Chain Pipefish
Pinfish - Lagodon rhomboides

Also known as a Pin Perch. One of the most common inshore
fishes, usually found around wharves, pilings, and over grass flats.
Chain Pipefish - Syngnathus louisianae

Most common pipefish.
Sheepshead Minnows
Striped Mojara
Sheepshead Minnow - Cyprinodon variegatus

Most common shore fish. Found along bay margins, in marsh ponds,
and a variety of hot, salty habitats. Have the greatest salinity tolerance
of any fish.
Striped mojarra - Diapterus plumieri

Juvenile Snook
Common Snook - Centropomus undecimalis

Other Common Names: Robalo, Saltwater Pike. Regularly frequent
fresh water or brackish areas near the mouths of rivers or mangroves
or salty marshes. Extrmemly sensitive to cold. Highly prized game fish.
Atlantic Spadefish - Chaetodipterus faber

Also known as an Angelfish. The smaller ones are found inshore,
around jetties, wharves and open water off of beaches. The larger
ones occur offshore around wrecks, reefs, and oil rigs.
Gulf Toadfish - Opsanus beta

Other Common Names: Oysterdog, Dogfish, and Mudfish. Common
in bays, oyster reefs and jetties.
Striped Burrfish - Chilomycterus schoepfi

Common in salty bays and the shallow gulf waters, especially
in the summer.
Ladyfish - Elops saurus

Other Common Names: Tenpounder and Skipjack. Relative of
Tarpon and noted gamefish. Greatest abundance is in late spring
and early summer.
Inshore Lizardfish - Synodus foetens

Occur inshore and in bays. Is the only lizardfish known to
enter brackish waters.
Scaled Sardine
Striped Mullet
Scaled Sardine - Harengula jaguana

Striped Mullet - Mugil cephalus

One of the most abundant fish. Found in large schools in
practically all environments.
Scaled Sardine
Juvenile Tarpon
Clown Goby - Gobiosoma robustum

Common on mud bottoms in shallow bays and ponds
in all salinities.
Tarpon - Megalops atlanticus

Redfin Needlefish
Red Drum
Redfin Needlefish - Strongylura notata

Red Drum - Sciaenops ocellatus

Also known as redfish or channel bass. Very important
comercially and highly prized by sport fisherman.

All pictures taken by Aaron Adams.

All fish information from: Hoese, H.D., and Moore, R.H. Fishes of the Gulf Of Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, and Adjacent Waters, Second Ed. College Station: Texas A & M University Press. 1998.

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This Page Created By: Maggie Newton - E-mail me!
Last Updated on: February 19, 2004