Mote Marine Laboratory's Ichthyoplankton Reference Collection
Mote Marine Laboratory's (MML) Ichthyoplankton Reference Collection is a small permanent reference and teaching
collection. The mostly estuarine collection contains more than 6,359 specimens form 55 families. Specimens include mostly larval fishes but some fish eggs and small juvenile stages are included.
Specimens can be loaned for a six month period, or longer if more time is needed, by sending a request to:
Karen M. Burns
Ichthyoplankton Collection Curator
Marine Laboratory
1600 Ken Thompson Parkway
Sarasota FL 34236
Requests can also be made via E-mail by contacting Karen Burns at
kburns@mote.org or by fax to (941) 388-4312. We are currently working to be able to put all
our Ichthyoplankton holdings, with associated collection data, on line - linked to this page.
Because MML is a private not-for-profit marine laboratory, there is no funding for the collection. Shipping and postage must be paid by the person making the request.
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Last Update June 15, 2004